Hello! Or should we say "Merry Christmas!"
Yes, we are still here, but only just. In fact; time and tide waits for no man or film it seems and we are finding it increasingly hard to secure that necessary "us time" to sit down and watch films as a family these days. People are growing up fast. When we started all those years ago (17th September 2010), our youngest member was thinking about GCSEs, now she is out working for a living!
So, with time against us, maybe it is time to hang up the blog, leave the films where they are and move on. Who knows.
What we do know is, we have a film tonight and as Christmas is just gently disappearing behind us, why not a festive film to say goodbye to 2015?
Tonight it's feet up and film on, as we sample the scary delights of Tim Burton's;
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Well, that was interesting. Tim Burton's 1993 animated Halloween / Christmas tale features Jack Skellington; the Pumpkin King of Halloween Town, who starts the film disillusioned with Halloween, as it's all been done before. He then discovers Christmas Town and the concept of Christmas, which he takes back to Halloween Town. Unfortunately he doesn't fully grasp the concept of Christmas and doesn't quite get it right.
As a story it's fairly basic, but enjoyable for the 76 minute duration. The best part really is the superb stop-motion animation, somewhat reminiscent of early shadow puppetry. Put the animation alongside a superb soundtrack from Danny Elfman and you have a quaint little crossover story juxtaposing Halloween with Christmas. It was considered to be too dark and scary for kids, but it isn't really not compared to some of the modern films aimed at children these days. It's also not really a film about Christmas per se, moreover the misadventures of Jack Skellington in his attempts to recreate Christmas.
Overall it was entertaining, but not necessarily "great". Good points, great animation, nice songs, but not a classic Christmas film.
TNiFN Rating 60%
Well, as blogs go this one was rather short. Sorry about that, but not really much to write about. And whether there will be more blogs we're not sure. We won't make any decisions now, we'll just see what the future brings. In the meantime Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to all of our readers, both of you! Maybe see you soon.
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