Tuesday 5 October 2010

The Wedding Planner - 5th October 2010

Tonight we have The Wedding Planner, starring Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey.

Well, as romantic comedies go, this one ticks all the boxes. For the ladies, you have the chiselled good looks of Matthew McConaughey and his Southern drawl accent all the way through the film. And for the lads there is bea-butt-iful Jennifer Lopez being rather serene playing the lead role of the Wedding Planner.

The storyline is pretty much as you'd expect;

Wedding Planner accidentily and unknowingly falls for the Groom.
The Groom sticks with the Bride.
The Wedding Planner ends up going to marry someone else for no good reason.

And then.............

Well, if you haven't seen it, then I shan't spoil it.

At the end of the day, we liked this film, there's some good laugh out loud moments, it was filmed on location in San Francisco, so bought back memories of our recent holiday and there's a happy ending! Whoops, have I said too much?

You'll enjoy the film if you get chance to see it.

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