Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Role Models - 23rd November 2010

Well, Sky billed this film as a; "feelgood comedy", which it was, but it was more than that. It was a laugh out loud, rude, crude, expletive packed, giggle fest, feelgood comedy!

So the story is, that a couple of energy drink rep's are selling their Minotaur Energy drink around the local schools, when they hit on a problem, as their truck is about to be towed away. The ensuing argument and truck crash land them in court and the choice of jail or Community Service. They opt for the Community Service and are enrolled in a buddy scheme, where they pair up with a couple of kids who have lost their way in life.

Danny, played by Paul Rudd is paired up with the nerdy Augie (fantastically played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse). Augie is into dungeons and dragons role play, is shy with girls and doesn't really fit in. His Mother and step Father don't help either.

Wheeler, played by Seann William Scott, is paired up with the young, street-wise, slick talking Ronnie (portrayed by Bobb'e J. Thompson, another fantastic casting).

This is where the trouble really starts. Danny who has lost his girlfriend of seven years. Wheeler thinks anything in a skirt is an easy lay and they have to buddy up with two kids and be role models.
It's not easy, and their adventures which play out through the middle section of the film, is hilarious! Again, no real spoilers on here, you'll just have to watch the film to witness all the fun.

One word of warning, it's a 15 rating and there is almost gratuitous use of several popular swear words, but it is used to comedic effect and should not offend those of a delicate nature. It does enhance the comedy, but be aware if you have ones with little ears!

Absolutely loved this film. We do love the feelgood movie genre, this one followed the predictable pattern of;

  • this is the situation;
  • down on luck individuals;
  • things go wrong;
  • need to do something about it;
  • fail;
  • try again;
  • fail again;
  • try something else;
  • and finally win the day.
But how they achieve this, is down to you to find out.

Another great film for Film Night.

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