Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Inception - 29th March 2011

Well, tonight after many weeks of waiting for a suitably long evening, we managed to squeeze in the 2 and half hour plus long film;


Boy there's people out there that really love this movie and fair play to them, if they enjoy that's fine. I for one, am not so sure.
I class myself, as someone with sufficient intelligence, to follow the plot lines of most movies. Indeed, I followed closely the story behind Inception and its' dreams within dreams within dreams scenario's.
However, if it were not for the artistic talents of Leonardo DiCaprio ad Ellen Page and the masterly special effects then for me, Inception would have been totally worthless.

As it was, I think the layers of complexity, spoilt what could have been a promising story.

The idea that you extract the inner thoughts of your subjects by invading their dreamlike states, I can go with that, but to be able to plant the seed of an idea within the mind of an individual by going through multiple layers of dreams? No.
It's a good idea, but I think writer and director Christopher Nolan, has taken the comncept too far. It makes the movie overly complicated, requiring the viewer to concentrate hard to keep the thread of the film together.
Yes, I did follow it, but as the plot wound out I still didn't feel satisfied that all the questions were answered and we were left with doubts to the completeness of the story.

Are they lining up for an Inception 2?

Well sorry, but I for one, won't be.

If you liked it, then good for you. Not my cup of tea.

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