Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Christmas Do-Over - 15th November 2011

So our countdown to Christmas speeds through November with this weeks Christmas movie;

Christmas Do-Over

From 2006, Jay Mohr stars as Kevin the haphazard ex-husband to Gill (Daphna Zuniga) in this Groundhog Day styled movie.

Kevin gets to have Christmas with the family of his ex-Wife, so that he can catch up with his Son, Ben. Typically, the lazy Kevin leaves everything to the last minute, including his Sons' Christmas present, so his appearance of Christmas Day ends in disaster after disaster, with his ex In-laws not really wanting him there. His ex-Wifes' boyfriend turning up adds to the turmoil, highlighting quite spectacularly Kevin's inadequacies as a Husband, Father and man generally.
It's only when his Son, at the diner table says; "I wish it could be Christmas everyday................" that the trouble really starts.

And we then proceed to an extremely manic, fast paced Groundhog Day style repetition of Christmas Day, until Kevin works out the right recipe to get things back to normal.

The only difference with Christmas Do-Over and Groundhog Day is that Groundhog Day is good!

That is a little harsh, there are some very funny moments in the film, some good banter with the characters, it's just that there is this love triangle with the ex-husband, boyfriend and Wife. Someone will have to lose out in the end. And if this was truly a good feelgood film, then it would have worked out OK, but the ending is dire! In fact it is worse than that, it's unexpected, it's short, it's leaves loose ends and after getting through the whole film extremely disappointing.

Christmas Do-Over had the potential to be a really good film. It failed.

Watch, enjoy if you can, but don't blame me if you feel cheated out of 90 minutes of your life.

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