Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close - 10th April 2012

Tuesday Night is Film Night's second movie in April is the very recent release;

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

I'm not entirely sure that whatever I write here will do justice to the film at all. It would be extremely easy for me to say; "just watch it"!

It is a fascinating, gripping, dramatic, believable, emotional, sad and provocative story, that lures you in slowly and gently, easing you into the warmth and safety of it's plot, then grabs you by the throat and will not let you go until the very end. It is an emotional roller coaster that holds you tight, as you rise and fall on the triumphs, the pitfalls, the highs and lows. Shaking you, throwing you from side to side. You need to hold on tight, not taking your eyes from the screen. Follow each twist and turn closely and don't look down!

OK, I have I whetted your appetite at all? I'll fill in some gaps, but I urge you to watch this film as soon as you can.

Starring the fantastic Tom Hanks, although he doesn't feature all that much and Thomas Horn, who does feature throughout the film!
Hanks and Horn play father and son, Thomas and Oskar Schell.
Thomas is a jeweller and Oskar his school age son. They have a devoted relationship, which is underlined at the start of the film and is key to what happens next.

It is a journey film, where Oskar finds a key in his fathers closet and he is sure that it will lead to some secret, linking back to his now dead father...........

Oh, yes, the Tom Hanks character; Thomas Schell dies, very early on in the film. It's the way he dies, the day he dies and what he says and does before he dies, that are important. For the answer to those questions, watch the film. (Or Google it).

As I said before it is an extremely gripping film. Thomas Horn is absolutely brilliant as Oskar Schell an absolutely outstanding performance, for one so young. Tom Hanks, well he is as always, fantastic.
Kudos also for Max von Sydow, who plays a character called The Renter, who doesn't speak, but nevertheless it is a great performance. Also the beautiful Sandra Bullock is as lovely as ever, as Linda Schell, Oskar's mother, Thomas's widow.

I could probably sit here and eulogise about this movie for longer than the film itself. It is definitely on the list of films to watch again and again. The film is based on the 2005 novel (of the same name), by Jonathan Safran Foer, which should make a good read.

Enjoy this film. I'm sure you will.


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