Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Dear John - 26th June 2012

So, we pass the first half of 2012, the next film night will be in July and then it's all down hill to Christmas! Anyway, I digress, what was the last film of the first half of 2012 I hear you ask?

Dear John

I have a real problem with blogging Dear John, normally I have a good many words, stuck in my head, to describe the film we have watched, way before the film has ended.
Tonight, I have nothing. My head is empty.

Dear John was not a bad film, but was it a good film? That's a matter of opinion. I enjoyed it, but nothing jumped out at me, grabbed me by the neck and screamed "enjoy this film!!" into my left ear.

Let's put some details in here, so you can get what the film is about.

John Tyree, played magnificently by Channing Tatum, is a Special Forces soldier on leave in his hometown, when he has a chance meeting with Savannah Curtis, played by the quite cute looking Amanda Seyfried. They spend two weeks together. Two weeks where they fall in love. At the end of the two weeks, John needs to return to the army. They vow to get back together after John's one year tour of duty is at an end.
In the meantime, they write to each other constantly, and a lot of the film is taken up with the reading of these letters.
However, after the attacks of 9/11 John decides to re-sign up for more active service and although Savannah doesn't want him to, him does and they continue to write, until the letters stop.

OK, there's the basic idea. There is more storyline surrounding this thin plot, which includes John and Savannah's family and to be honest, these peripheral stories are somewhat better than the main action in many respects. However, they do all come together in the end, so keep concentrating.

Dear John is billed as a romantic drama. It was romantic, but hardly a weepy. It was dramatic, but not very. The story was good, but could have been better. The acting was really good though and made up for the somewhat thin plot.

The book is probably a lot better.

Anyway that was Dear John.

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