Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Law Abiding Citizen - 10th October 2012

Couple of points to make, firstly the date. We actually had Tuesday Night is Film Night on a Wednesday. Matters not.
Secondly, the film we watched was brilliant, so I suppose I should tell you a bit about;

Law Abiding Citizen

Firstly, the two main players in this film are Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx, who play Clyde Shelton and Nick Rice respectively.
Rice is a career minded prosecutor. Shelton is a law abiding citizen, who sees his wife and daughter murdered, but as some evidence is inadmissible, Shelton's lawyer; Rice, could not get life sentences for both of the suspects. Instead a deal is made with the defence to have lesser charges made.
Shelton is clearly upset by this and decides to seek revenge.

And what revenge?

OK, it's a poor synopsis by me, but that's the basic premise, but you really have to watch it, to gather all the nuances and details of the case.

Be warned, it is a Certificate 18 and there are scenes of gruesome violence and torture, but you have to live with that, to get the most from this thriller. It is gripping right from the opening sequence and you never know what is coming next, with plot twists and turns that are unexpected and brilliant.

Major kudos needs to go to the writer Kurt Wimmer. The storyline is drama perfection, acted out superbly by Foxx and Butler. Jamie Foxx is outstanding as the gritty, no nonsense lawyer. While Gerard Butler is magnificent as the cool, calm and collected Clyde Shelton who exacts revenge on the justice system, in a dramatic, thrilling and one could almost say; an exciting way.
It will have you on the edge of your seat and sometimes behind it, cowering from the gore!

Again, Law Abiding Citizen is one of those films where, saying too much about the plot would give too much away and detract from the enjoyment. So, if you want to know what it's all about, get a copy and watch it.

I really should create a Top 10 list of Tuesday Night is Film Night films. And if I did, Law Abiding Citizen would be in that list.

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