Here's a first for Tuesday Night is Film Night, we take on a James Bond movie. So will it be oh oh heaven, or does Mr Bond take a tumble in;
So Skyfall is your typical James Bond film. The plot really doesn't require any description, as it is the same as every other previous Bond movie; evil genius tries to take over the world and James Bond is there to stop him.
In this case the evil genius is Silva, played by Javier Bardem. Silva has appeared from M's past and is out to haunt her. MI6 is under attack and Bond must stop the threat.
Bond is not really about the plot, it's more about the action and the special effects and there is no shortage of action in Skyfall. Daniel Craig is superb as the indestructible Mr Bond. However, it is Judi Dench as M that makes the film for me. Dame Judi is superb.
As with most Bond epic's, the budget has been spent on major location shooting and brilliant effects. The lighting and camera work in the finale, set in Scotland, is superb.
Also, the focus seems to have been on action and drama, rather than the cheesy Bond humour and sex that have been prevalent in previous Bond incarnations. And this is no bad thing. Skyfall keeps you on the edge of your seat, although it is apparent that nothing seems to kill James Bond, no matter how many bullets fly or explosions tear the landscape asunder, he keeps on going.
Yes, Bond movies are formulaic, but they are based on a winning formula, so why change it?
Skyfall, is a winner.
7 out of 10 in this house. Everyone's a critic!
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