Tuesday, 19 November 2013

I'll Be Home for Christmas - 19th November 2013

Tuesday Night is (a Christmas) Film Night continues the festive film and cheesy cheer with;

I'll Be Home For Christmas

Well, where can one start with this film?

It was made in 1988 and stars a young Courteney Cox, Hal Holbrook and Eva Marie Saint, who make up part of the Bundy family; Nora, Joseph and Martha respectively. (Daughter-in-Law, father and mother). It's set in a small American town, during the second world war and follows the family through one Christmas.

The Bundy family also have three sons, two of which are serving in the forces and one younger son who is keen to join. The eldest son; Mike is married to Nora and they are expecting a baby. The middle son; Terrel is at odds with his father. And the youngest son; Davey follows the progress of his elder siblings as they travel the world in the air force and army.

The general premise of the film is; the family will be together and at home for Christmas, as Mike is granted leave after his tour of duty, as is Terrel. However you just know that somebody will not be coming home.

I won't spoil it too much by filling in the detail, suffice to say there will be tears on Christmas Eve.

I'll Be Home For Christmas is an unremarkable film, albeit with a slight dramatic edge that made us avoid the "off" switch for it's 96 minute duration. It's quaint, festive and thought provoking, that is if you wanted to analyse the juxtaposition between the desire for peace at Christmas and the ravages of war. There were moments of pathos, there were moments of fun, but generally there were just moments.

The story held itself together, but only just. And the ending was truly disappointing. They seemed to rush it, attempting to tie up the lose ends very quickly, after building up to this point for most of the film.

We really should research these films more, prior to committing to watching them! Luckily for you, it is not available via Amazon.

Never say that we at TNiFN Towers do not provide a service. We watch these films so you don't have to.

Here's hoping next week's offering is a better one.

TNiFN Rating 45%

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