Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Non-Stop - 9th September 2014

Tuesday Night is Film Night is here again and back into the swing of things after the summer break. This week we are sampling an action / thriller / mystery movie and a recent one to boot, from this year in fact!

This week's film is;


Liam Neeson stars in this 2014 airline action thriller, as Air Marshall Bill Marks. Marks is rota'd for a routine flight from the US to London, however it transpires that the flight is far from routine. The film starts with some gentle background information about Bill Marks, just as a scene setter. Followed by some interaction at the airport, where Marks takes in the other passengers on the flight, as part of his role of Air Marshall. This establishes some facts to carry forward and starts to add layers to the plot.

The film builds once the aeroplane is in flight and Bill receives a message on his mobile phone. This message is the first indication that something is wrong. And although it's not yet a hijack situation it is clear that someone on the plane is intent on causing trouble, with threats to kill a passenger every 20 minutes.

So it is established early on what route the story is taking however, and this is a huge plus point for Non-Stop, the fact that you just do not know who is behind this. In fact one of the films taglines is; "146 passengers. 146 suspects". And the tension builds and builds through to the climax where we find out who is behind the demands. No spoilers!

The story is fantastic, the way it builds is intense and gripping. When you think you know who it is, another of layer of obfuscation clouds the mystery and again you are left wondering.who is sending the messages. Sometimes with action thrillers the storylines tend to be a bit sensational, especially when it comes to technology and you are left saying; "that would never happen", with Non-Stop they've err'd on the side of caution and have shown technology that potentially would have you saying; "could happen". We, at TNiFN Towers like an action thriller to be rooted in reality, as well as being a bit sensationalist, if that's possible.

Neeson is absolutely superb as Bill Marks, his acting style seems to be effortless and he falls into character with ease, although you could say his character is no different to that of other Neeson films such as Taken or Unknown, but then that's the beauty of Liam Neeson, you get what you're given and so far we are not disappointed.

Bill Marks is ably supported by Air Stewardess; Nancy, played by the ever-so lovely Michelle Dockery, who has swapped the ball gowns she normally wears as Lady Mary Crawley in Downton Abbey, for the airline uniform. Other characters of note are Jen Summers (Julianne Moore) who sits next to Bill Marks on the plane, who in turn becomes a suspect. As does Zack White played by Nate Parker and Tom Bowen played by Scoot McNairy and Austin Reilly (Corey Stoll). Mind you, we could go around the whole of the plane picking off suspects and / or passengers and you'd still be none the wiser. In fact it is only in the last 20 minutes or so does the tale of subterfuge finally unravel and you discover who is behind the dastardly plan of extorting money by hijacking a plane and skilfully laying the blame on Air Marshall Bill Marks. Oh yes, that happens as well, there are so many plot twists that you really have to watch Non-Stop to appreciate them all.

Non-Stop is a brilliant story, with fantastic twists, multi-layered and multi-faceted plots and great special effects. Fans of Taken and Unknown, or Liam Neeson in general will enjoy this film, it is sensationalist without being too overtly over-the-top. It drip feeds information that may seem inconsequential to start off with, but will be referred to later on in the film. So you need to be observant, even when on the edge of your seat.

Cracking movie!

TNiFN Rating 93%

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