Tuesday, 11 June 2013

My Best Friend's Wedding - 11th June 2013

We can't believe it's nearly half way through 2013! We'll have to start planning our Christmas movies soon! But until then, Tuesday Night is Film Night presents, a Summery feeling film, as we watch;

My Best Friend's Wedding

Starring the absolutely lovely Julia Roberts and the equally gorgeous Cameron Diaz, My Best Friend's Wedding follows the story of Julianne Potter (Roberts) whose best friend for many, many years; Michael O'Neal (played by Dermot Mulroney) decides to get married. Up until this point, Julianne has been happy to be best friends but the thought of losing Michael to another woman, hits home how much she actually loves him.

Essentially, she has 3 weeks to break them up.

That's the basic idea, the first section of film establishes the relationship between Julianne and Michael, up to the point where he drops the marriage bombshell. The middle section of film starts where Julianne meets Kimberley Wallace (Diaz), Micheal's bride-to-be and leads up to the wedding day, along the way Julianne tries various tactics to get the happy couple, to be not so happy!

It's a strange twist to the romantic comedy genre, in that you normally root for the friends to be together, but in this case, the Julia Roberts character is being so manipulative you don't want her to win the battle of the bridegroom. Even though Kimi (Cameron Diaz) is a bit scatty, crazy, loud and ever-so slightly annoying. It's this twist that makes the film more appealing, than the bog standard rom-com.

On the comedy front, the laughs are not that plentiful, there are clearly a few characters added to provide the comedic foil to the more serious break up / make up issues going on. There are a couple of funny scenes though, which are really quite enjoyable. Plus Julia Roberts has a few funny moments, which help the film along.

However, there are some tear jerking moments also and why wouldn't there be in this typical chick-flick? Ably supporting Roberts is Rupert Everett who plays a work colleague  who happens to be gay, but turns out to be a better friend then she thought and helps her sort things out.

All in all, not a bad movie at all. Seen better, but seen a lot more worse. The TNiFN scores on the doors for My Best Friend's Wedding is a pleasant and respectable 6 out of 10.

After proof reading this week's blog, I thought it's a bit short, I guess the reason is, as a rule of thumb, the more verbose the blog, the better the film. This weeks blog is not that verbose is it? That says something. Enjoy!

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