Tuesday, 4 June 2013

The Proposal - 4th June 2013

So, after quite a few weeks away, it was inevitable that Tuesday Night is Film Night returns to the warmth, loving security of the pink and fluffy genre that is; romantic-comedy. However, will it be a chick-flick victory or a rom-com flop. We shall see as we take on;

The Proposal

Where to start with this film? Storyline or cast? Let's take on the cast list first, then go on to what  they do within this film.

Firstly our leading man is Ryan Reynolds, who plays Andrew Paxton. We have not seen Ryan Reynolds in any TNiFN films, so he was a fairly unknown quantity, but he acquitted himself extremely well in The Proposal and is certainly an actor that we would like to see again.

Our leading lady is the superbly talented, totally gorgeous and most wonderful Sandra Bullock. A great actress and so lovely to watch on screen. Sandra Bullock plays Margaret Tate, the very pushy boss to Ryan Reynolds' Andrew Paxton.

Alongside Bullock, we have two other leading actresses, who make a holy trinity of loveliness in our movie. They are, the ever-so delightful and aging gracefully Betty White, alongside the fantastic actress and extremely lovely Mary Steenbergen. Mary Steenbergen plays Grace Paxton, Andrew's Mother. And the talented Betty White plays Grandma Annie, Andrew's Grandmother.

So that's the cast partially assembled, onto the plot. As we know, Margaret Tate is the pushy boss of Andrew Paxton. They work in a large publishing firm, based in New York. It transpires, very early on in the film, that Margaret is Canadian and due to issues with her visa, she is liable to be deported from the USA and would have to spend a year in her native Canada before being allowed to return to the States. Essentially losing her position in the company and having to relinquish control to the person she has just fired.

Enter Andrew Paxton, who has been Miss Tate's assistant for three years, hating most of the time and wishing his Hitler-esque boss would suffer from some kind of sad demise. This starts to change when Margaret drops the bombshell, that she and Paxton are to be married! This is news to Andrew, but it is the only way the devious Margaret can remain in control.

So that is the proposal. What follows is their battle to hide the fraudulent nature of their proposal from a do-goody immigration official, who is intent on outing their deception and worst still trying to make Andrew's family believe that the marriage is true love.

OK, the actual plot started off to be a bit thin, but this is soon built upon as the story develops. Sub plots unfold, especially the relationship between Andrew and his Father, which brings a serious thread, to a generally humourous and jocular story.

Inevitably, I suppose, Margaret and Andrew fall in love, but what happens in the end, well you'll have to see for yourself. Needless to say it is a bit of a tearjerker at the end, as that massive pink and fluffy feelgood factor kicks in! We do love a good chick-flick!

The Proposal is a warm, tender and very funny story, played out by characters defined early on in the film, characters that mellow and change. The hard exterior of some, dissolving to show their soft, vulnerable side. It is a great film of it's genre and a definite one to watch.

So, what does the voting TNiFN members think? The Proposal gets a massive thumbs up with a big 9 out of 10.

Previous Tuesday Night is Film Night films, that the cast of The Proposal have been in;

Mary Steenbergen; Four Christmases, Elf, Back to the Future III, One Magic Christmas

Sandra Bullock; Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, The Blindside, A Time to Kill

Betty White; The Lost Valentine

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